Insurance Agent Blog | EverQuote Pro

2 Insurance Sales Scripts From Award-Winning Agents | EverQuote

Written by Dennis Miller, Lead Marketing Manager | May 11, 2022 1:00:00 PM

One of the most difficult aspects of implementing any new business initiative is not knowing how to get started, especially when it feels like you’re starting from scratch. For insurance agents—especially newer agents and those who are dipping their toes in a new vertical—it can almost feel paralyzing to start selling without a proven lead script or talk track to rely on.

Below you’ll find two examples of tried-and-true insurance sales scripts that will help provide the confidence boost you need. This lead script is from award-winning agent Scott Grates, who is just one of the award-winning agents who’ve given us insider access to the actual scripts they use. We feature a range of effective scripts in this free eBook: 4 Lead Scripts From Award Winning Agents.

How To Sell With Simplicity, Consistency & Heart: 2 Example Scripts (from Scott Grates)

When it comes to selling insurance, I find that three core qualities are central to a successful approach: simplicity, consistency, and heart.


Simplicity is almost self-explanatory: It’s absolutely crucial to keep things simple. The reality is that most consumers don’t understand insurance—how it works, why they have the particular coverage they have, the benefits and drawbacks of specific policies, etc. As agents, we often unknowingly start speaking over the customer’s head when we use industry jargon and convoluted terms. We regurgitate all this knowledge we have and it scares them away. So when we’re using scripts and talk tracks to sell, it’s important to follow this same approach—avoid the jargon and keep it simple!


In addition to simplicity, it’s critical to be consistent with your approach. Remember that scripts and talk tracks are to be used as just an outline to a conversation. You don’t want to sound robotic, or like you’re reading a canned response. The key to avoiding this is practice. The more you practice running through a script, the more you create “muscle memory” for that talk track, and the more consistent your talk track becomes. Ultimately this leads to a more natural delivery, as you make the talk track “your own,” which allows you to have a more genuine conversation.

“The more you practice running through a script, the more you create ‘muscle memory’ for that talk track, and the more consistent your talk track becomes.” (Tweet this!)


This leads us to the final quality: heart. Insurance is fundamentally a “people business,” and it’s no secret that customers buy (most things) from people they know, like, and trust. When you lead with your heart, you come across as authentic. Speaking to customers like they are your friends and family members will shape how they view you. The customer will typically mirror your tone and will be more likely to listen to what you have to say. Be real and be yourself, and the customer will follow.

Agents and team members often perceive prospecting as a negative task—a necessary “chore” that few people actually want to do. This mindset holds you back.

Instead, challenge yourself and your team to approach prospecting with a “nothing to lose” mindset. Think about it this way: Before you pick up the phone and call a prospect, what do you have? Do you have their business? No. Do you have a quote? No. So if at the end of the conversation you hang up and you still don’t have a policy for the prospect (or a quote), what did you really lose? You didn’t lose anything because you never had anything to begin with! We’re so fearful about prospecting, but the only way you can truly fail is by not picking up the phone.

But what should you say once you dial out to a new lead and get someone to pick up the phone? The following is my talk track for a “Strong Opening Statement.” (This is part of Scott’s “Million Dollar Multi-line Process,” which you can find out more about as part of his Agency Team Member Training).

Many agents neglect this piece and jump right into asking “Name? Date of birth? Address? Make and model of your vehicle?” This turns the conversation into robotic data entry. The problem with this approach is that you’re completely missing out on a crucial chance to differentiate yourself and make a strong impression on your prospect.

Instead, by following the script below, you can seize the opportunity to grab the prospect’s attention, be different, and position yourself as their advocate—not someone who’s just trying to sell them something.

Script 1: A Strong Opening Statement

“[First name], I know you have a ton of options out there when it comes to insurance.

Before we begin, I just want you to know that whatever you decide at the end of this conversation—whether you stay with your current carrier, choose a different carrier, or move to us...

I’m just grateful for this opportunity you’re giving me to earn your business. Are you comfortable with that?”

Script 2: A Value Statement

Immediately following your opening statement, you want to continue to show the prospect why you are different. At this time, you answer questions like “Why are you better?” That’s where your value statement comes into play.

“I’d like to share with you how we are different and why I believe we are the best option out there.

You see, we insure more than 5,000 people in this community just like you.

And every single day we have new claims pop up. Most days we have multiple claims. We’ve seen them all—from glass repairs to auto fatalities and everything in between. Now we never know whose day it’s gonna be or how bad the claim will be, but…

It’s our mission to make certain that, when it is your day, you are properly protected. You’ll know exactly what you have and why you have it. Does that sound good to you?”

This last piece is crucial—it’s what we call “checking for acceptance,” and is a mechanism you can use throughout the process to build what I call “yes momentum.” When you ask intentional questions like this throughout the sales process— ones where you know the prospect is going to say “yes”—you build up a series of “yeses” that make it harder for him or her to say “no” when you go in for the close.

Keep Reading & Get Access To All Lead Scripts

In addition to these scripts from Scott, we’ve compiled scripts used by top agents and insurance sales coaches Vlad Cherchenko and Michael Weaver, and you have full access to them, as well as the bonus agent commentary on how to implement them. Try these scripts across all sales scenarios—from making cold calls to closing sales over the phone to live transfer leads and beyond—and see how they improve your sales process. Just click on the link below to download the guide today, absolutely free!