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P&C & Life Insurance: Marketing Tools & Tips For Beginners

Written by Dennis Miller, Lead Marketing Manager | Apr 18, 2019 6:47:57 PM

Are you a new agent looking for ways to expand your book of business? If so, this article is for you. We’ve compiled a list of marketing tools and tips from experienced agents that you can use to promote agency growth.

P&C and Life Insurance: Marketing Tools To Ignite Growth

1. Partner with other companies who will market your agency.

Partner with a real estate agent, CPA, or another company or organization that has something in common with your agency. These centers of influence can advocate on your behalf and become an invaluable part of your business. For example, I partnered with one particular diabetes nonprofit that has sent me nearly six figures of business in four years—I established this partnership during one meeting more than four years ago.

Matt Schmidt, Life Insurance Agent, Diabetes 365

2. Vary your book of business.

It's OK to buy leads—but make sure to ask for referrals to start growing your business. Don't just depend on leads or referrals only.

Lorena Tomasini, Owner, MALM Life and Health Insurance Agency
Follow Lorena on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Want more advice for rookie agents? Read 9 Things I Wish I'd Known As A Young Insurance Agent.

3. Leverage blogging and social media.

My number one tip for marketing your agency is to have a blog where you publish high quality, informative content. Write content that answers questions and solves problems your potential customers have. This is a great way to draw in new customers via search engines. It’s also better than paying for advertising because the traffic you get will be highly targeted, and it will not cost you a fortune.

A tool we use to help with this is called Clearscope. It helps you cover your topics thoroughly, compares your writing to the sites that currently rank highly for that topic, and suggests topics to write about so your site is rich with helpful information.

John Holloway,
Follow John on Twitter.

StoryChief content marketing software allows me to publish a post to my website and social media profiles in one step.

Michael Quinn, Owner and Director of Marketing at Life Insurance Blog
Follow Michael on Twitter and LinkedIn.

4. Stay in touch with prospects and customers, and be persistent.

Our job is much more than just marketing—many times it's educating consumers about the importance of life insurance for their families or businesses. It takes persistence and a positive mental attitude to be successful.

What has worked for me:

  • Always asking for referrals regardless of whether or not I made a sale.
  • Keeping in touch with existing clients (sending birthday cards, holiday cards, etc.).
  • Having more than one company to sell.
  • Answering phone calls and messages in a timely manner.
  • Thinking outside the box by using videos and other creative methods.
  • Not being afraid of cold calls.

What has not worked for me:

  • Attending health fairs
  • Depending solely on referrals from centers of influences. (Referrals are definitely good, but they require tons of follow-up with the referrer.)

Lorena Tomasini, Owner, MALM Life and Health Insurance Agency

5. Give visitors a way to get instant quotes from your website.

Anyone who receives a quote through my site gets an automated email sequence to help them understand the life insurance buying process through GetResponse. Most people have no idea about the various products available or how different the application processes can be depending on the type of life insurance product (fully underwritten vs. no medical exam).

Michael Quinn, Owner and Director of Marketing at Life Insurance Blog

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