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Influential Agency Leadership


Impactful and influential leadership is key to any company's success. Leadership sets the tone from office morale all the way to your company's results and bottom line. As Brian Ahern, experienced insurance consultant and coach, points out: "Unlike many sports teams where one or two superstars can make all the difference, no individual underwriter or sales rep can make a huge difference to the bottom line. It’s the collective team that will make or break results and the team is the responsibility of the leader." 

At the end of the day, your agency can't succeed without good leadership. While results are certainly important, the relationships you build and employee opinions can be just as pivotal. This article dives into three key steps you can take to lead successfully: building relationships, dispelling uncertainty, and motivating team members and employees. To learn more about these leadership essentials and what they entail, check out the full article here: 

To learn more, read the entire article here from Brian Ahern:

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