Insurance Agent Blog | EverQuote Pro

See How This Award Winning Insurance Agent Writes 300 New Apps A Month [VIDEO]

Written by Dennis Miller, Lead Marketing Manager | Jul 18, 2019 7:00:00 PM


Chandler Hahn EverQuote Testimonial from EverQuote Pro on Vimeo.

P&C insurance agent Chandler Hahn has had the type of career that almost any captive agent would love to replicate. With a decade of insurance experience under his belt, Chandler opened up his own agency in 2015 in Belmont, NC, near Charlotte, North Carolina.  Since then he's tripled in size, won a number of awards (including being named North Carolina’s fastest growing agency within his carrier) and has grown his business from 2 to 7 employees. A big factor that set Chandler up for success was in choosing the right partners to help drive his agency's growth. In 2015, after experiencing disappointing results with a number of different lead vendors, Chandler switched to EverQuote – in part based on a very successful colleague's strong recommendation. He's been with EverQuote ever since and the results have been impressive. He's currently writing (on average) between 275 and 300 new applications each month and EverQuote currently accounts for approximately 90% of his P&C business (either directly or through referrals provided by customers written through EverQuote).

We spoke with Chandler to learn more about his experiences in reaching the level of success he's achieved today and how the right partnerships can make all the difference when it comes to driving scalable and sustainable growth.