Insurance Agent Blog | EverQuote Pro

Asking the Right Questions

Written by Callie Brandeis | Mar 25, 2021 2:23:51 PM

Often times producers are amazed to learn that asking the right insurance sales questions will make a huge difference not only in closing the sale, but also in the size of the account! Why is this? Well, asking the right insurance sales questions is how you will learn what matters most to your prospects and clients…which will help provide your clients with the right solutions to their “problems.”

If you want to gain and maintain control during a sales call, you need to be asking your prospect the right questions. When you do this, you can lead your clients in the direction to meet their needs and close the sale. So, you can help them to discover for themselves, the “problems” they need protecting from that they may face now or in their future.

By asking and really listening to the ten questions outlined by Brandon Smith, you will find out what your client’s biggest concerns are which allows you to provide the solution they are looking for. This is what will make the sale almost automatic. Check out the list here:

To learn more, Read the entire article here from Brandon Smith of PolicyTee: